Speeding up the detekt task in a multi-project Gradle build.

I’m going to tell you how to significantly speed up the detekt task in a multi-project Gradle build. Precise numbers vary depending on many factors, of course. In my case, in a build with 56 subprojects and ~7000 lines of code, it was about 10 times faster.

Tasks in a multi-project Gradle builds are usually defined on a per-project basis. It means that every project will have its own unique instance of a task. Here is an example for detekt:

import io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.Detekt
import io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.DetektPlugin

subprojects {

    tasks {
        withType<Detekt> {
            parallel = true
            config = files("$rootDir/detekt.yml")
            buildUponDefaultConfig = false

Here, the DetektPlugin, applied to every subproject, creates a detekt task in each of them. Thus, in a build with 56 subprojects there will be 56 different detekt tasks, one per subproject.

They can be run with a simple command:

./gradlew clean detekt

Gradle will execute them one by one:

> Task :module-a:detekt

Complexity Report:
        - 272 lines of code (loc)
        - 223 source lines of code (sloc)
        - 130 logical lines of code (lloc)
        - 7 comment lines of code (cloc)
        - 12 McCabe complexity (mcc)
        - 0 number of total code smells
        - 3 % comment source ratio
        - 92 mcc per 1000 lloc
        - 0 code smells per 1000 lloc

Project Statistics:
        - number of properties: 26
        - number of functions: 3
        - number of classes: 2
        - number of packages: 4
        - number of kt files: 8

detekt finished in 1598 ms.
Successfully generated HTML report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-a/build/reports/detekt/detekt.html
Successfully generated Checkstyle XML report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-a/build/reports/detekt/detekt.xml
Successfully generated plain text report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-a/build/reports/detekt/detekt.txt

> Task :module-b:detekt

Complexity Report:
        - 295 lines of code (loc)
        - 253 source lines of code (sloc)
        - 159 logical lines of code (lloc)
        - 4 comment lines of code (cloc)
        - 32 McCabe complexity (mcc)
        - 0 number of total code smells
        - 1 % comment source ratio
        - 201 mcc per 1000 lloc
        - 0 code smells per 1000 lloc

Project Statistics:
        - number of properties: 27
        - number of functions: 6
        - number of classes: 1
        - number of packages: 2
        - number of kt files: 5

detekt finished in 1816 ms.
Successfully generated HTML report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-b/build/reports/detekt/detekt.html
Successfully generated Checkstyle XML report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-b/build/reports/detekt/detekt.xml
Successfully generated plain text report at /home/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/module-b/build/reports/detekt/detekt.txt


68 actionable tasks: 41 executed, 27 up-to-date

As you see, build takes about a minute. But what I see are three issues.

  1. Gradle has to instantiate 56 identical tasks here. And for detekt it means spawning a new process 56 times, parsing the config file 56 times (because processes cannot share in-memory parsed config), configuring embedded Kotlin compiler infrastructure that is used to parse the source 56 times, and, probably, doing more things 56 times, once per task. Take a look at the sources: Detekt.kt and DetektInvoker.kt:

    fun check() {
            arguments = arguments.toList(),
            ignoreFailures = ignoreFailures,
            classpath = detektClasspath.plus(pluginClasspath),
            taskName = name
    val proc = project.javaexec {
        it.main = DETEKT_MAIN
        it.classpath = classpath
        it.args = listOf("@${argsFile.absolutePath}")
        it.isIgnoreExitValue = true
    val exitValue = proc.exitValue
    project.logger.debug("Detekt finished with exit value $exitValue")

    Perhaps it’s possible to improve this behavior, but it’s not trivial. I hope one day it will be more efficient, though.

  2. After the execution, you will have 56 different reports. It’s hard to navigate between them.

  3. The maxIssues configuration parameter is applied to every project separately. So, if you have it set to 10, it means “ten issues in every subproject” instead of “ten issues total”. Though, it’s ok for some people.

Luckily, it’s super easy to fix! All you need to do is to apply the detekt plugin to the root project and configure a single “detekt all” task with the scope of the whole project:

import io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.Detekt

plugins {

tasks {
    val detektAll by registering(Detekt::class) {
        parallel = true
        config = files("$rootDir/detekt.yml")
        buildUponDefaultConfig = false

And that’s it! See, how much faster it is:

./gradlew clean detektAll

> Task :detektAll

# List of issues I am ashamed of

Overall debt: 1h 45min

# complexity report

detekt finished in 2518 ms.
Successfully generated HTML report at /Users/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/build/reports/detekt/detekt.html
Successfully generated Checkstyle XML report at /Users/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/build/reports/detekt/detekt.xml
Successfully generated plain text report at /Users/madhead/Projects/detekt-faster/build/reports/detekt/detekt.txt
Build succeeded with 9 weighted issues (threshold defined was 10).

36 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 35 up-to-date

Less tasks to run, ten times faster to execute!

And what is super cool about this setup is that now you have a single report file that is easy to analyze. The maxIssues setting is now applied to the whole build, so it’s now “ten issues total”. Finally, the new detektAll task does not interfere with the standard detekt behavior described in the first scenario: you can still execute the detekt task as described previously.

I hope it was helpful. Have fun!